Our Programs
Something for Everyone
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If you are interested in joining with us to serve in any of these areas don’t hesitate to contact us!

All Programs
Victory Kidz
We offer Sunday school classes for children Preschool – 6th grade beginning at 10am.
Our Sunday school classes are divided by grade. Pre-school – Kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade and 4th-6th grade.
We believe it is vital to the future of our families to lay a solid foundation of truth in our children. They receive quality biblical teaching in their classes through fun and creative methods. We use a curriculum called Dig In to aid in our lessons.
“impACT29 and Anchored Youth” is our teen and pre-teen focused ministry where we tackle relevant issues our youth face on a daily basis.
Our teens meet every Monday night at 6pm. We believe revival in the church starts with the youth and our goal is to ignite a passion for truth and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their hearts.
Keeping their vision outward focused on the desperation of their generation we seek to provide them with the tools they need to serve God with confidence and excellence.
“impACT29 and anchored Youth” is our teen and pre-teen focused ministry where we tackle relevant issues our youth face on a daily basis.
Our teens meet every Monday night at 6pm. We believe revival in the church starts with the youth and our goal is to ignite a passion for truth and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their hearts.
Keeping their vision outward focused on the desperation of their generation we seek to provide them with the tools they need to serve God with confidence and excellence.
We offer nursery for our babies and toddlers ages 0-2.
Nursery provides care for children up to 2 yeas old during each scheduled service, and creates a safe and fun environment in which our children may play while their parents are being ministered to.
It is a privilege for us to watch your children! In order to maintain a safe and healthy environment any child exhibiting signs of sickness (i.e.; fever, runny nose, etc.) may not be admitted into the nursery.
Men of Victory
Men ages 19+ meet together to build friendships, study scripture, and encourage one another through testimonies to pursue Christ in every area of their lives. Whether it’s a cookout, sports, or a camping trip, we are making personal connections and seeing men raised up to ministry and grow deeper roots in their walk with Jesus. There is a unique openness and vulnerability when the Men of Victory are together, and we would love to have you visit!
Men of Victory
Men ages 19+ meet together to build friendships, study scripture, and encourage one another through testimonies to pursue Christ in every area of their lives. Whether it’s a cookout, sports, or a camping trip, we are making personal connections and seeing men raised up to ministry and grow deeper roots in their walk with Jesus. There is a unique openness and vulnerability when the Men of Victory are together, and we would love to have you visit!
Women of Victory
Women of Victory meet together through Bible Study, Paint Nights, Tea Parties & more in order to develop friendships, knowledge of truth, and healing through God’s word. When we are together it is an opportunity to bear one another’s burdens and cover each other in prayer. Our goal is to always point women to the hope of Christ found in His word.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus found in scripture, rather than psychological theory. It was designed as a program to help those struggling with addictions, depression, anxiety, and unhealthy habits, by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus found in scripture, rather than psychological theory. It was designed as a program to help those struggling with addictions, depression, anxiety, and unhealthy habits, by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process.
Love Your Neighbor Outreach
Love Your Neighbor Lunch Outreach is an opportunity to be able to reach those in need. We meet at Victory Church every Friday at 5:30pm to prepare bagged lunches and every Saturday we meet at 10am at Victory Church to go out into the community to share the love of Jesus.
Love Your Neighbor Dinner Outreach meets every 3rd Thursday of the month to cook and prepare a hot meal for those in need. We meet at Victory Church at 11am to cook and package food and then go to First Baptist Church at 3pm to serve those in need, pray & share the Gospel.
We are excited to be able to share our services in Portuguese to anyone who is interested! It’s as simple as downloading the Interactio app, signing in using the event code VCTIVERTON and then grabbing your earbuds to hear the sermon in Portuguese.
We are excited to be able to share our services in Portuguese to anyone who is interested! It’s as simple as downloading the Interactio app, signing in using the event code VCTIVERTON and then grabbing your earbuds to hear the sermon in Portuguese.
Building Project
If you are interested in helping us in any area of construction or landscaping please contact us and we will gladly get you involved!